Smith Mountain Lake Business Expo

The 9th Annual Smith Mountain Lake Business Expo will be held on Friday, April 27th, in Downtown Moneta.  The exposition will be set up on the southwest side of Rt. 122 and Rt. 608 – across from Mayberry Hills.  Hours are Noon to 5 p.m.  We expect 120 businesses to be represented in four large tents on the parking lot as well as outside exhibits.  Contact Jim Shauberger at the Smith Mountain Lake Regional Chamber of Commerce (540-721-1203) for more information.

NEW for 2012, “Your Business Connection”, a service connecting job seekers with employers, along with small business startup information.

Representatives from the Virginia Employment Commission and Small Business Development Center, Longwood will be available to assist business owners, job seekers and new business startups. To list a job opening, email the business name, job title, description, and contact information to